Program        Social Program

Social Program

Catch up with old friends or make new ones! ISPSA 2024 social program is designed with informal networking in mind. A relaxed atmosphere, good food and wine, a debate and some humor and music to boot – something for everyone!

Welcome Reception

Delegates will take part in the welcome reception with delightful food, allowing you the opportunity to mix and mingle with colleagues and friends.
Date Place
18:30~20:00, June 2, 2024 (Sun.) Tamna Hall, 8F

Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony will establish the atmosphere for the symposium, beginning with official remarks. Come and join us to celebrate the start of the ISPSA 2024. Following the opening ceremony, plenary talks 1 and 2 will be presented.
Date Place
09:00~09:15, June 3, 2024 (Mon.) Ramada Ballroom 1, 2F


We are delighted to invite you to the Banquet, an evening of exceptional dining and networking opportunities. Join us for an unforgettable night where attendees can connect, share ideas, and celebrate the achievements of the conference. With the Regular Type registration, a banquet ticket is already included. However, if you're a student, undergraduate, or an accompanying person eager to take part in the banquet festivities, a separate ticket purchase is required. A few tickets will also be on sale at the onsite registration desk but since there is a limited capacity, you are advised to book in advance to avoid disappointment.
Date Place
18:30~20:00, June 5, 2025 (Wed.) Ramada Ballroom 1~4, 2F

Closing Ceremony

A closing ceremony will be held to celebrate the success of the symposium and to cherish the memories from the 21st ISPSA Symposium. Furthermore, we have an awards ceremony planned for paper presentations, so your attendance is highly encouraged.
Date Place
12:30~13:00, June 6, 2024 (Thu.) Ramada Ballroom 1, 2F